Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Free PDF To Word Doc Converter

Converting PDFs to Word-compatible formats while not paying for the privilege nor getting scammed can feel a bit like herding cats. Free PDF to Word Doc Converter gets a few things wrong, but eventually will land you the DOC output you want.
Impressively, it offers one of the cleanest and most accurate free PDF-to-DOC conversions around. Users can change the output path and name, convert an entire document or just specific pages, and ditch images in the source PDF if need be. From there, it goes a bit downhill. The option to open the output DOC in WordPad didn't function when we tested it, nor did the All Pages button. The program autodetects the number of pages in the PDF, though, so when you choose Page Number you're presented with essentially the same feature as All Pages.
The other big frustration is that while the program is free, after five conversions you're asked to answer a math question a bit harder than the average human-input detecting security feature. There's also no support for batch conversion, nor for PDFs locked behind passwords. These frustrations are not minor, but neither was the pitch-perfect conversion that the program put out. If you're planning on using Free PDF to Word Doc Converter, prepare for a bumpy ride but a smooth landing.
Download: http://j.gs/vP1

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