Attache Express provides a superb platform for organizing your information and allowing you to do research on topics of interest. It is a great tool for students and professionals with large amounts of textual material to organize. Anyone who wants to delve deeply into specific subject areas by collecting related articles and information will find Attache Express to be their first choice for organizing and searching their material. If you are tired of the slow Windows Explorer search times (even for indexed locations) use AttacheExpress as your file explorer and search tool. Attache Express will allow you to simultaneously search different paths and provides the ability to do multiple term searches in different document fields and will make locating your treasured materials quicker and easier than ever. Results are returned in ranked order to help you find just what you are looking for without paging through the long lists, with no apparent organization, that Windows Explorer returns. What's new in this version: Version 2.03 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
Download: http://j.gs/yNR
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